Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Beat the Heat!

We offered these last year and where surprised at the response we got. 
If you have not tried these yet you should!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How Sqwincher Keeps Muscles Strong

Do you know that you could be hurting you muscles by drinking water when you exercise? Sqwincher explains the science behind strong muscles and activity drinks, and why it matters to you.

What Happens When I Sweat?

It’s an unavoidable fact that when people spend time in high-heat environments, they sweat. Most people believe that when we sweat we just lose water. Humans can easily sweat out several pounds of water in a day when put in the right circumstances. Unfortunately, drinking lots of water isn’t the ideal solution to stay hydrated.

When You Sweat, You Lose Far More Than Water.

When a person sweats, they lose all sorts of essential vitamins and minerals. These vital combinations of minerals are usually referred to as “electrolytes”, and comprise a group of substances that keep your body healthy. In the short term, a low electrolyte balance means that you will feel a distinct lack of energy, lose focus on the task at hand, and sometimes even experience dizziness.

Calcium is a key player in the electrolyte group. Lack of calcium can weaken your bones over time, especially in women. Sqwincher products help replace the calcium in your body to protect you while you work hard.

In the long term, lack of electrolytes can weaken your muscle tissue and your bones.

Sqwincher Helps Me Build Muscle Mass?

We can’t turn you into Popeye, but we will help you maintain your muscles and bones rather than letting them deteriorate. This is especially great news if you are planning to use Sqwincher while you work out. Drinking Sqwincher when you run, play tennis, or hit the gym means that you’ll keep those hard earned gains rather than letting them slip away due to lack of proper hydration.

Sqwincher Products Protect and Replenish Your Muscles Over Time.

Don’t let all that hard-earned muscle mass slip away. With Sqwincher products, you’ll maintain and build on your bones and muscles, so you can have a strong and happy life.